5 Windows 11 Features You Should Know About Before Upgrading

You may have been unaware, but Windows 11 is officially out in the wild. Yes, that’s right – on October 5th 2021, Microsoft launched its new operating system. But whether you wait for Microsoft to surprise you with a prompt, or use the Windows 11 Installation Assistant, you’ll want to have the heads up on what’s new in this latest version of the Windows operating system.

So, let’s get started. Here are 5 Windows 11 features you should know about before upgrading.

1. More Like An Apple Mac Interface

The interface on a new OS is often the first thing people want to know about before upgrading, and Microsoft has made some significant changes for Windows 11. The new design is reminiscent of a Mac, with rounded corners and pastel shades. But bound to spark conversation is the newly positioned Start menu, which now finds itself sitting in the centre of the screen. However, fans of this iconic Windows feature needn’t be alarmed, as the Start menu can be put back to (where it belongs?) at the left of the screen.

2. Easier Virtual Desktop Setup

In what feels like a further Mac inspiration, Microsoft has made switching between multiple desktops more intuitive than ever. Now users can easily toggle between desktops for personal, work, gaming and education – something that was far more cumbersome on Windows 10.

3. Seamless Access To Microsoft Teams

With the pandemic proving that video conferencing is an essential communication tool in the remote working world, it’s welcoming that Microsoft have integrated Teams so tightly into the Windows 11 taskbar. Users can now instantly connect through messages, chat, audio or video from multiple platforms, such as Android or iOS.

4. New Snap Layouts

With the rise of remote working, many of us are ending up with large quantities of windows and applications open all at once. Snap Layouts, a new feature in Windows 11, promises to make things less cluttered, allowing you to organize your windows and apps by grouping them together – not unlike how it’s done on Android and iOS.

5. Widgets

More of the information we receive on our devices is being personalised, and the trend continues with Windows Widgets, an AI-powered personalised feed containing sports, news, weather and more – all based around your interests. If you’ve got the latest Windows 10 updates, you’ll have noticed something similar. Added benefits include the option for the information to be localised, and you can even give tips to local content creators.

We’ve only scratched the surface on what you can expect to see on Windows 11, but with the much-anticipated upgrade finally arriving, we’ve given you a taster of what Microsoft’s included for today’s new style of working.

Want to prepare your business for the Windows 11 upgrade? We can help you understand how the new features can support your flexible work set up, check your computers are ready for the upgrade and more.

Discover our cost-effective, IT Consultancy services now.

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